Faculty: Data Science and Machine Learning for Biotechnology Professionals

Anagha Kulkarni, Faculty
Anagha Kulkarni ( She/Her/Hers )
Associate Professor of Computer Science
CSC 9008: Intermediate Machine Learning
Jennifer Nelson, Faculty
Jennifer Nelson, faculty Jennifer Nelson ( She/Her/Hers )
CSC 9005: An Interdisciplinary Approach to Computer Programming
Hossein R. Saray, Faculty
Hossein R. Saray ( He/Him/His )
CSC 9006: Data Structures and Data Visualization for Data Science
Andrew Scott, Data Science Faculty
Andrew Scott ( He/Him/His )
CSC 9007: Introduction to Machine Learning & Data Science with Applications to Personalized Medicine
Ilmi Yoon
Ilmi Yoon ( She/Her/Hers )
Professor of Computer Science
CSC 9009: Advanced Machine Learning with Applications to Medical Image Analysis

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