CalJOBS connects dislocated workers with employment training opportunities. SFSU is an eligible training provider.

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How to Find Us


  • Go to the CalJOBS Website
  • Select: Job Seekers > Education and Training > Training Providers and Schools
  • Search on Keyword: College of Professional & Global Education, SF State

Eligible Programs

Employment Training for Adults and Dislocated Workers

As a result of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014, CalJOBS provides connections to customer-focused employment training for adults and dislocated workers. Training providers who are eligible to receive Individual Training Accounts through WIOA funds are listed on the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) on the CalJOBS website.

CalJOBS Website

The CalJOBS website helps job seekers and employers navigate California's workforce services by providing employment and labor market information for the State of California. The site allows users to search for jobs, build résumés, access career resources, find qualified candidates for employment and gather information on education and training programs.


If you have questions, please contact the staff for your program of interest.

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