How to Apply for International Business

Semester Dates

Dates are from start of classes to the end of exam period. Orientation is held the week before classes start. 

Fall 2025: August 25 – December 19, 2025 
Spring 2026: January 26 – May 22, 2026

Certificate Application Periods

  • Fall: December 1 - May 15
  • Spring: August 1 - November 15

Late applications will be considered. Students will be accepted on a space-available basis.

Annual Tuition/Fees and Cost of Living

Annual Tuition/Fees and Cost of Living – For students starting in Fall 2025
Tuition and Fees* Living Expenses** Total Fees
$13,740 $24,500 $38,240
Annual Tuition/Fees and Cost of Living – For students starting in Spring 2026
Tuition and Fees* Living Expenses** Total Fees
$14,040 $24,500 $38,540

*Tuition and fees based on full-time enrollment (12 units) each semester.
**Estimated expenses presented for one academic year (two semesters). Actual expenses may vary. Books, supplies and personal expenses are not included in the estimate.

See Academic Tuition and Fees page for breakdown.

Selection for admission to the program will be based on student objectives, academic background and recommendations as appropriate. In order to be admitted to the program, a candidate should have completed the equivalent of 56 units or more of undergraduate courses through coursework and/or appropriate professional or other preparation. Grades in coursework completed should be of an average level equivalent to a GPA of 2.3 or higher on a 4.0 U.S. scale, or an equivalent combination of educational and professional preparation, in her/his home country. English language ability must be demonstrated by adequate scores on one of the following tests, or certification by appropriate academic personnel. Please review th English Proficiency Requirement page for details.

Written English Proficiency Requirement

English proficiency at the conclusion of the program will be determined through evaluation of written papers in IBUS 590. Satisfactory performance in writing is required for both passing the IBUS 590 course and for completing the program.

Optional Practical Training (OPT) offers international students the opportunity to work up to one full year in the United States after nine months of full-time study. Please confirm eligibility for OPT with the admissions coordinator.

Pathway to Optional Practical Training

Tuition, mandatory/miscellaneous, and optional fees will be finalized and posted after the ‘Deadline for full refund’ as listed in the Calendar and Deadlines for the term. Full payment of tuition and fees must be received by the deadline provided by Center of Global Education. 

In the case of third party payment, the party responsible for payments should send an Authorization to Bill letter to SF State will send invoices to the third party after census date. All tuition and fees will appear in the student center until payment is processed/received.

For class or program withdrawal, contact the Center for Global Engagement at

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