Public Administration Classes Offered through Open University

Build a skill set to give back to your community.
With Open University, you can take space-available, graduate-level courses in Public Administration at SF State this summer, without official admission to the MPA graduate school.
If you are interested in a career in government or nonprofit work, studying Public Administration will help you hone your problem-solving skills and apply them to public programs. Try a class this summer to see if SF State’s MPA program is right for you.
Summer Classes
Start in June. These summer classes are offered as hybrid courses — taught both online and in person at the SF State Downtown Campus — or entirely online.
- P A 707 Qualitative Data Analysis - Hybrid
- P A 708 Qualitative Interviewing- Hybrid
- P A 711 Surveying in Public Service Contexts- Hybrid
- P A 715 Policy Process and Civic Engagement- Hybrid
- P A 725 Managing Human Capital - Hybrid
- P A 791 Prevailing Issues in Public Administration (focus on Crisis Management) - Online
See Open University class schedule to find your classes.
Summer registration opens April 18, 2023. Find instructions on the Open University > How to Register - Summer 2023 page.