Summer Self-Care in the Sierras

Feminism in the Forest
Study feminism and self-care at SF State’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus, You can explore nature, hike up hills, swim in a lake, and sleep under the stars while you study in the Tahoe National Forest. All are welcome. No previous outdoor experience is required.
WGS 105 Feminism and Self-Care: Perspectives and Practices
Dates: July 23, 2023 - July 28, 2023
Instructor: Martha Kenney
This class provides a personal, practical and intellectual engagement with an active practice of feminist self-care. We engage with feminist scholars and activists who have argued for the importance of embodiment and experiential learning in relation to self-care practices.
In this special iteration of the class at the Sierra Nevada Field Campus, we will consider how settler colonialism and segregation have made the U.S. wilderness the purview of white masculinity. In opposition to these histories, we will reclaim the outdoors as a possible space for self-care and community care for minorized people, using the natural environment of the Sierras as our feminist laboratory.