Sierra Nevada Field Campus - Register Now for Summer
February 6, 2023

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Go offline this summer. Study in the Tahoe National Forest at SF State’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus (SNFC). Summer classes are now up and available for registration.
Summer Classes at SNFC
- ASTR 216: Practical Observational Astronomy in the Sierra Nevada
- BIOL 315: Butterflies and Moths of the Sierra Nevada
- BIOL 315: Ecology and Conservation of California Bats
- BIOL 315: Flora of the Northern Sierra Nevada
- BIOL 315: Fungi of the Sierra Nevada
- BIOL 315: Insect Biology and Identification
- WGS 105: Feminism and Self-Care: Perspectives and Practices
Learn More
Find out more about SNFC summer classes and how you can study in the beauty of nature this summer.