Merit Scholarship for English for Academic Preparation (EAP) Students
Students enrolling in the EAP and Gateway programs are eligible to receive a merit scholarship from SF State's College of Professional & Global Education. Students are eligible to receive the scholarship each term of EAP and Gateway full-term enrollment.
Scholarship Amount per Term
Fall and Spring: $500
Summer: $300
Application Deadlines
Fall: July 1
Spring: November 28
Summer: May 1
New Applicants
Eligibility requirements for new applicants:
- EAP or Gateway students enrolling for the full fall, spring or summer term (students enrolling in A or B terms only are not eligible)
- 2.5 high school GPA or 2.0 GPA in all university coursework
- 3.0 undergraduate GPA for applicants with completed undergraduate degrees
Application process for new applicants:
At the time of applying for admission, submit your high school transcript and transcripts from any post-secondary coursework completed. If you already have earned an undergraduate degree, submit only your undergraduate transcript.
Submit transcripts here after you have submitted your complete ALI application.
Note: Students applying for undergraduate Conditional Admission eligibility to San Francisco State University will only need to submit their transcripts one time.
Continuing Applicants
Eligibility requirements for continuing applicants:
- EAP or Gateway full-term students only, for fall, spring and summer
- Final grade average of B in all EAP and Gateway courses
- Students receive the scholarship in the next consecutive full term of EAP or Gateway enrollment
- A scholarship is given for the duration of EAP and Gateway full-term enrollment, each term, if B average is maintained
Application process for continuing applicants:
Submit your high school transcript and transcripts from any post-secondary coursework completed. If you already have earned an undergraduate degree, submit only your undergraduate transcript.